Sunday, April 1, 2007

Criteria of sampling design- GO Measure Practical Economy!

You all must be wondering what is “GO Measure Practical Economy!”?

Well they are what we researchers would consider as the criteria for sampling design. Which are as follows:
Goal Orientation




Looking at these pictures can you think what could these criteria refer to?
Relate these illustrations to the terms used above them.
In your own blogs, you could write a small post about what you think the criteria of sampling design could be when you look at these illustrations. You could write under four main points as follows:
  • Goal Orientation
  • Measurability
  • Practicality
  • Economy
You could write them by 2nd April 12:00 noon.
As usual I'll be putting up my thoughts about this topic by 2nd April, 8pm

1 comment:

Devika Mehta said...

Good morning. we are suppose to write about sampling design today, i have written about it but i am afraid if i am on the right track as i am not sure what does sampling design mean?? would you please explain about it.