Saturday, May 5, 2007

Lets take a look at what we learnt....

Hey girls,

By now all of you must have gotten the news of post test on monday, here's a bulletted list of what all we could achieve in this blogging activity:

1. Concept of population and sample

2. Representativeness of a of sample

3. Accessibility of a sample

4. Criteria of sampling design

5. Sampling types
5.1. Probability Sampling
(difference between random assignment and random selection)
5.1.1 Simple random sampling
5.1.2 Systematic sampling
5.1.3 Stratified sampling
5.1.4 Cluster sampling
5.1.5 Stage sampling
5.1.6 Multi- stage sampling

5.2 Non probability sample
5.2.1 Convenience sampling
5.2.2 Quota sampling
5.2.3 Purposive sampling
5.2.4 Dimensional sampling
5.2.5 Snowball sampling

I hope this list helps you to outline what all we achieved in this blogging activity.

All the best for your well! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hey Girls..

I have commented on all of your posts..
You will find the comments in rply to each of your sampling type posts..that is the post where you wrote about your sampling type..

I hope my replies are helpful..and i also hope that you all will not dissappoint me and reply to any Qs that I have asked..!

Cya then..hope you all are gearing up for your forthcoming post test on the topics we dealt ith on the blog.. :)