Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Redesigning your blog

Hey everyone, could not publish this post earlier due to technical problems with my PC :(
Anyway this post is with reference to some of your needs to redesign your blog or shifting the page elements of your blog..

So heres how you might go about it...

Step 1 If you are already viewing your blog, click on "Customise" on the top right hand corner of the page. If you are on your dashboard click on "Settings"

Step 2 After the above step you will be directed to the following page

You may directly be sent to the "Template" tab, if not click on "Template" then on 'page elements'. Once you go there, you can see your different page elements in form of boxes.

You can move these boxes as you wish just like we move the tool bars in 'Word', once you move your cursor on the edge of the box, a four edged arrow will appear which will allow you to move the boxes. This way you can reposition the different page elements on your blog.

Now moving on to changing colors and fonts of your blog, there is another tab in "Template" which is "Fonts and Colors", this option lets you choose colors of your choice for your blog.

If you are thinking of changing the blog template all together then there's a bit of coding that you might require to do..for this you may go to the help section of Blogger and find out what you want.

I hope any doubts with respect to moving elements on your blog or changing colors of your blog have been cleared..

1 comment:

Priyanka said...

Ye Hemangi, the changes in font color really beutifies the blog and also make it unique.